Self-Priming Nano-Engineered EPoxy
Producing next generation coating products to fully protect
industrial surfaces from corrosion and environmental assaults
Proprietary Nanotechnology
- Proprietary nano drivers fuse
- NANO POXY with the substrate
- Nano scale bonds in NANO POXY
are stronger and more complete
than all other advanced coatings and
epoxies tested to date
- Particle sizes as small as 20 30 nm
results in extremely tight cross link
bonding to the microscopic fissures
and profile of the substrate, resulting
in industry leading bond strengths
- Extreme bonding properties result in
superior corrosion protection for
Proprietary Nano Bonding Technology
NANO POXY’s nano scale bonding
is stronger and more complete
than all other products tested at
the NC State Constructed Facilities
Lab (CFL)
- Independent testing at NC State
CFL pull off strengths of 4,000 psi
- No test samples to date have
resulted in adhesion separation of
NANO POXY from steel or
concrete, with pull off resulting
only from cohesion separation or
from adhesive release
Nano-Poxy Advantages
- Extremely Small Particles true nano scale particles provide superior
bonding with substrate, improving corrosion and chemical resistance
- Extreme Surface Tolerance nano scale bonding significantly improves
adherence to poorly prepared substrates damp, tight rust and salt
- Extremely Fast Less prep, no primer, single coat for most applications
- Extremely Easy to Mix 1:1 mixing ratio with Part A and Part B simplifies
mixing, and easily mixed with a power drill in 5 gallon pails
- Extremely Easy to Apply brush or roll applied or sprayed with a pot
life up to 1 1/2 hour, easy to mix, superior spraying properties with less
- Extremely Complete Curing cures more completely than other
advanced coatings allowing quicker recoating times and much faster
return to service
- Extremely Low VOC up to 1/6 th the level of other leading epoxies